Dreamland Baby Blog

10 Best Shark Tank Baby Products

10 Best Shark Tank Baby Products

Coming up with a shiny new product is one thing, figuring out how to actually get it in people's hands is another. From start to...

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Best Swaddle for Newborns 2021 | Dreamland Baby

Best Newborn Swaddles

Your baby just spent the last 40 weeks curled up all snug and warm preparing for their world debut. You can imagine how overwhelming it...

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Everything You Need to Know About Baby Sleep: Questions Answered by a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant | Dreamland Baby

Everything You Need to Know About Baby Sleep: Questions Answered by a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

I am so excited to introduce Jess Hudson from Sleep Shop Consulting. Jess is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant who supports families through sleep education. 'We recently...

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15 Best Gifts for Her First Mother's Day | Dreamland Baby

15 Best Gifts for Her First Mother's Day

Whether you're shopping for a mama-to-be or a new mom celebrating her first Mother's Day with her bundle of joy wrapped in her arms, it's...

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Coping with Your Baby's Witching Hour | Dreamland Baby

Coping with Your Baby's Witching Hour

It's the time of day that most new parents dread. As the day draws towards evening you apprehensively watch the clock knowing that it won't...

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Naptime Checklist for Successful Baby Naps | Dreamland Baby

Naptime Checklist for Successful Baby Naps

As a certified pediatric sleep consultant, hands down the number one topic I get asked about is naps. The notorious 30-45 minute nap has so...

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Best Books to Read to Your Baby Before Bed | Dreamland Baby
bedtime books

Best Books to Read to Your Baby Before Bed

After a long day of juggling diaper changes, feeds, and housework, you may feel too tired to read to your baby before bed – besides,...

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When Your Baby Goes Through Separation Anxiety | Dreamland Baby

When Your Baby Goes Through Separation Anxiety

There is nothing quite like experiencing milestones with your baby and seeing them do something for the very first time. Getting those first smiles and...

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Your 1-Year-Old's Sleep Problems Solved | Dreamland Baby

Your 1-Year-Old's Sleep Problems Solved

Phew - you made it through your baby's first year! No doubt it has been a year full of trials, tribulations, and triumphs. Raising an...

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