Dreamland Baby Blog

How To Keep Your Baby Warm At Night

How To Keep Your Baby Warm At Night

Infants are new  to the whole thermal regulation thing. Keeping a room too hot or too cold could be dangerous for their developing systems. Babies’...

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Cramping During Pregnancy

Cramping During Pregnancy

Being pregnant can certainly keep you on your toes. Every little twinge can have your senses on high alert - especially if you are cramping....

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Can I Take Tylenol and Other Cold Medicines While Breastfeeding?

Can I Take Tylenol and Other Cold Medicines While Breastfeeding?

As a mom you make many sacrifices to ensure the health and safety of your baby. Breastfeeding is no exception. Breastfeeding mamas should be mindful...

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Recognizing the Signs of Labor

Recognizing the Signs of Labor

It’s finally time! Or, is it? It can be tricky to acknowledge signs of labor sometimes. Our uteruses can experience growing pains, round ligament pains,...

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How Much Formula Newborns and Babies Need?

How Much Formula Newborns and Babies Need?

Becoming a parent is filled with so much joy and excitement. Along with those wonderful feelings, is a host of responsibilities, such as feeding and...

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5-Month-Old Sleep Schedules

5-Month-Old Sleep Schedules

Goodbye four month sleep regression and hello five month sleep progression! Well, at least we hope. If your little one is still experiencing a bit...

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A Complete Guide to Using Booster Seats

A Complete Guide to Using Booster Seats

As parents, we all want our babies to be as safe as possible at all times - even when they’re not actually babies anymore. (Of...

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Why Toddler Pillows are Important

Why Toddler Pillows are Important

Toddler pillows play a significant role in providing comfort and support for toddlers during sleep. Here are several reasons why pillows are important for toddlers:...

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Dreamland Spotlight - Meet Erin, Gavin, Luke & Emmy!

Dreamland Spotlight - Meet Erin, Gavin, Luke & Emmy!

Hello, Dreamers! Here at Dreamland Baby HQ, nothing makes us happier than to hear our customer’s feedback! That’s why we created our “spotlight” to introduce...

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