Dreamland Baby Blog

Fed is Best: Formula’s effect on motherhood, sleep, and your baby’s health

Fed is Best: Formula’s effect on motherhood, sleep, and your baby’s health

“Breast is best”. We have all heard it a million times from a million different people. Even in the hospital after just giving birth, several...

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Newborn Wake Windows

Newborn Wake Windows

Wake Windows: What You Should Know It can be challenging for parents to adjust to sleep schedules with a newborn in the home, especially when newborns have...

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When To Set Up Your Baby Nursery

When To Set Up Your Baby Nursery

Nursery Setup Guide As an expecting parent, setting up a nursery is likely one of the many items on your to-do list before your bundle...

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Everything You Need To Know About Toddler Pajamas

Everything You Need To Know About Toddler Pajamas

Dressing babies and toddlers for sleep is all about safety and comfort as parents try to ensure their child is getting a good night’s rest...

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Best Baby Pajamas for Sleep Sacks

Best Baby Pajamas for Sleep Sacks

Sleep Sack Pajamas at Dreamland Baby Many parents know the benefit of a baby swaddle for newborns. Working just like a hug, a swaddle provides safety...

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Celebs LOVE Dreamland Baby

Celebs LOVE Dreamland Baby

Look who we spotted wearing our gently weighed sleep solutions! Here at Dreamland Baby HQ, we get excited by each and every purchase of our...

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Do Pediatricians Recommend Bamboo Products For Babies?

Do Pediatricians Recommend Bamboo Products For Babies?

By Dr. Jonathan Jassey The choice of fabric for baby clothes does matter, as it can affect your baby's comfort, safety, and overall well-being. Here...

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Why Use A Sound Machine?

Why Use A Sound Machine?

By Dr. Jonathan JasseyBabies cry…that’s human nature. That’s their way of communicating with us. Whether it’s an expression of discomfort, being hungry, needing to be...

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What To Look for When Hiring a Sleep Consultant

What To Look for When Hiring a Sleep Consultant

Tips for vetting a sleep consultant that's right for your baby: As a new parent, getting your little one to sleep is often a REAL challenge. ...

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